Monday, April 16, 2012

New "bread"!

New "bread" at Walmart. It tastes good whether you eat it cold, warm or grilled.


Sunday, April 15, 2012


There will always be those predators in society who will take down the oldest, smallest or weakest in the herd. Even the odds.

~We got groceries at Walmart.

~We attended 8:00 A.M. service. Mike stayed for Coffee Hour, then went to work. I attended 10:30 A.M. service where I was Crucifer and Acolyte.

~I started a Butterfly Pinafore in Caron Simply Soft Grey Heather, but it only made it to 5 rows on the skirt. I frogged it. I did finish the Sensations shawl. It turned out really pretty!

~I made Mike a meatball wrap for supper.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lap Blanket

Color Block granny square lap blanket for St. Mary's Prayer Shawl Ministry

~I stopped by the Family Thrift Center, finding a new with tags Columbia shirt.

~I attended Prayer Shawl Ministry, making granny squares in Red Heart Supersaver Orchid.

~Back home, I worked on scrap projects.

~I made Mike a peanut butter wrap for supper.

Friday, April 13, 2012

You bring darkness, it becomes night, and all the beasts of the forest prowl. Psalm 104:20

Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, on fire

~I got Food Pantry groceries at Walmart & Smiths, along with some for ourselves, at Albertson's. I dropped them off, then went to Big Lots for applesauce. They were out of peanut butter. I dropped off Kiss my Pig cookies for the Napa Boys.

~Back home, I finished the load of laundry Mike started yesterday, swept the floors, sorted tea bags into snack bags.

~I made a Button Medallion Choker in Cardinal Red.

~I made Mike a grilled cheesy hotdog wrap for supper.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Mocha Confetti Brownies

~Mike took me to work & did some sealing on the shingles. I got bulletins printed & done early. Gave away 10 bags at the Food Pantry. Had cake at the St. Elizabeth's Guild meeting then left.

~Date Nite: After warmups, we concentrated on feeling the trigger.