Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. Psalm 103:19

Bandolier National Monument, New Mexico

~At the office, I made edits to the bulletins with Ms. Jeannine, paid bills, printed/folded/stuffed bulletins, worked on the March newsletter(like to get a jump on everything!). We got our first request for an application to the May craft show! So excited now!!

~I made Mike a chicken bacon cheese wrap for supper. I had split pea & ham soup.

~We watched Rooster Cogburn. Though this movie is 37 years old, it is one of the BEST! Eula Goodnight is the original church lady/gunfighter. She's my hero!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Hat Sold!!

Roseburg Hat in Deep Violet/Toffee Crunch sold to Amy in MO

~I am working 8 hours today & tomorrow so I can take off for the CCW Draw class on Wednesday & Thursday. At the office, I work on advertising for crafters for a spring show, worked on bulletins & Wednesday readings for the month. I also worked on the parochial report.

~We had pepperoni omelet wraps for supper.

~We watched Killer Elite. It was slow, bloody & not good.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Scarves Sold!!

Boa Scarf in KU
Boa Scarf in Purdue
Both special-order scarves sold to Morgan in KS

~We got groceries at Walmart & Smith's.

~We attended a combined 9:30 A.M. mass where I was Crucifer, Lay Reader, Acolyte #2 and LEM. Mike ushered. We also attended the Annual Meeting, though Mike went to work at 12:30 P.M. I am now a delegate to convention!

~I worked on a Scrap Granny Square lap blanket, using retro Red Heart Sparkling yarn in Apricot Nectar. It is a happy color!

~I made Mike a meatball sandwich for supper.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Scarf Sold!!

Artisan Scarf in Cloud Nine sold to Colleen in IL

~I finished the Red Heart Supersaver Blue Diamond prayer shawl.

~I made Carrot Cake with a 24-count mini muffin pan. They stuck! So, I used cream cheese frosting & made them into balls for later coating with white Candi-Quik for Truffle Balls. The 9-count rectangle pan worked good, so those will be iced with the frosting. I also cooked a pound of sausage, did a load of laundry & swept the floors.

~I decided to make a Butterfly Pinafore, a pattern from the 1970's, using the Lion Brand Cotton Ease Seaspray. It turned out adorable, with vintage white glass floral buttons. It is more of a shortie vest for a 24" chest.

~Mike got off work early. We had omelet wraps for supper.

Friday, January 27, 2012

"Spectator" AR

Spectator-a woman's fashion accessory consisting of two contrasting colors. This fits!

~I went to the Family Thrift Center & tried on a cover shirt, but it was way big. It is amazing to me the difference in a small from different manufacturers. Some are teeny tiny while others are like tents! I have found that the best women's small clothes come from Anne Taylor Loft, New York & Company and Banana Republic. These manufacturer's seem to understand that we want to dress with class & style.

~I stopped by Albertson's for eggs($1 per dozen-I got 4!), spice cake mix, carrots, pineapple(making carrot cupcakes tomorrow!), hashbrowns & green chiles). The final stop before heading home was dropping off Oatmeal Cookies for the Napa Boys.

~I tried using the small sewing machine I got at auction, but it was a piece of poop! I will have to rethink making the crochet-top pillowcase dresses. I did make another Button Medallion Necklace. I started with a Bridal Blue, but ran out of that color on the edging, so I used Cream. I then used a Cream/Gold button & it looks so pretty! These are fast & easy to make & should be good sellers in the spring.

~I made Green Chile Hashbrown casserole for the Annual Meeting Potluck on Sunday.

~I used some 1970's Jungle multicolor for 4-round granny square & a Tie Dye Beanie. This is some funky yarn, 2 shades of green with rust & brown. It almost looks like Dazzleaire with the slightly sparkly & fuzzy look.

~I made Mike a grilled cheesy hotdog wrap for supper.

~We watched Serenity. We will miss these guys!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hat Sold!!

Durango Hat in Greybeard sold to Carol in MO, who has been purchasing from me since 2005!

~Mike took me to work. Ms. Jeannine came in with the annual report edits. They were done by noon. We gave a way 16 bags at the food pantry.

~Date Nite: I spent the night with the LCR. My hits and reload times are better. Mike cut a piece of the leather holster off because it was getting in the way of my grip.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January-Tea Tree

January is Hot Tea Month. I left up my little tree (thrift store) from Christmas. I added an embroidered napkin (yard sale) for the "skirt" then added the teapot topper (gift), infusing balls(thrift shops, yard sales, gifts), petite four sticks with glass tea pots (gift), teapot/cup stick pin (gift), Miss Priss (yard sale) & tea cup/saucer ornaments (gift).
Ms. Priss wanted her closeup so you could see her silver spoon (thrift store)

~Mike drove me to work early, where we folded/taped/stamped the newsletters. Norm came in to pay bills. Ms. Jeannine came in with edits to the bulletin. I got them printed/folded/inserted. I did some more work on the annual report, with Ms. Jeanine calling in with some changes.

~I made a special-order Purdue Boa Scarf in unknown Black/Lion Brand Fun Fur Champagne & finished the edging on the Fire (shades of red, orange & rust)granny square lap blanket.

~We had pepperoni & cheese omelet wraps for supper & watched the last 2 episodes of Firefly.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; Psalm 103:15

Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico

~At the office, I worked on bulletins. Ms. Jeannine came in with edits to the newsletter & I printed her out a bulletin for edits. I got the newsletter printed/collated/stapled/addressed.

~I made a special-order Boa Scarf in KU colors: Red Heart Supersaver Royal, Crafters Corner eyelash in Medium golden yellow & Lion Brand Homespun Covered Bride(mixed reds). It's pretty!

~I made Mike a grilled cheesy wrap, sweet pickle & Sunchip supper. We watched 2 more episodes of Firefly.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Apple Bran Muffin with golden raisins & sunflower seeds

~I stopped by Big Lots before heading up to the church to load bags at the Food Pantry. I sorted mail, checked my emails.

~At the Family Thrift Center, I found a pair of Hawaiian print pillow cases on sale 1/2-price to make little girl dresses. I then went to Hobby Lobby to check on yarn to match. They don't carry Cotton Ease, but their I Love This Cotton! is very soft, so I got a skein of Taupe. When I got home, I found the Seaspray I bought last week also matches!

~I made a pan of fudge brownies, did a load of laundry & swept the floors. It was 2pm by the time the pillow cases were washed/dried, so I will wait until Saturday to start my girl dress. I did make a mesh soap cozy in Ecru thread.

~We had ham & cheese omelets for supper & watched 2 more episodes of Firefly.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Keep'em guessing...

In research sponsored by the U.S. Justice Department, in which almost 2,000 felons were interviewed, 34% of felons said they had been "shot at, scared off, wounded or captured by an armed victim", and 40% of these criminals admitted that they had been deterred from committing a crime out of fear that the potential victim was armed.

~We got groceries at Walmart & Smith's. We discovered that, except for eggs, everything was less expensive at Walmart, not counting special sales, than at Albertson's.

~We attended 10:30 A.M. mass where Mike was Usher & I was Crucifer, Lay Reader & Acolyte. We spent only a short time at coffee hour.

~We helped out with CCW class. Randy LOVED his Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes ,as did everyone else who tried them.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hats & Scarf Sold!!

Tie Dye Beanie in Watercolor
Tie Dye Beanie in Ocean
Both hats sold to Becky in WA

Boa Scarf in Teal/Peacock sold to Morgan in KS

~I made two dozen Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes. They are adorable!

~I made a Button Medallion Choker in Iris & a Little Tweed Bag in Red Heart Supersaver Painted Desert.

~I made Mike a chicken bacon cheese wrap & honey wheat pretzels for supper.

~We watched two more episodes of Firefly.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Hats Sold!!

Kalispell Hat in Posh Red/Midnite Stroll
Sedona hat in Aggie/Sweatshirt
Both hats sold to Whitney in AR

~I made a pan of Peanut Butter Buckeye bars & swept the floors.

~I stopped by the Family Thrift Center,but didn't find anything. I then went to Albertson's to check out their prices. I had made a list of the items we buy on a regular basis with columns for Walmart, Albertsons & Smith's. I then added the Albertson's prices. I found that the only thing less expensive than Walmart was eggs. There were some sale items that were a better price (mushrooms, black olives & cocoa mix), so I went ahead & got those. I dropped off Oatmeal cookies for the Napa Boys.

~Back home, I had no inspiration to crochet, so I spent the afternoon watching Project Runway & drinking mint tea.

~We had summer sausage omelet wraps for supper & watched 2 more episodes of Firefly.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Prayer Shawl

In Red Heart Supersaver Rose Pink using the Ocean Tranquility Afghan pattern from Anastacia Knits. The stitch pattern is a multiple of 10 plus 3, so it can be adapted to any size. It was an easy pattern.

~Mike took me to work. I got a copy of the newsletter printed for editing before Ms. Jeannine came in for edits to the bulletins. I got those printed/folded/stuffed before 11am. I worked on the bulletin for next week. We handed out 14 bags at the Food pantry. One of our regulars gave me a pair of cross earrings in red glass. They are so pretty!

~We stopped by Joanns for 50%-off on a skein of Lion Brand CottonEase Seaspray. I will be trying this for the bodice of Pillowcase dresses.

~We had meatballs for supper. Mike's were on a flat round with cheese, multigrain tortilla chips & a splenda-sweet pickle. Mine was with asian stir fry veggies & greek dressing.

~We watched the first episode of Firefly, which we had to order from an online rental service because the person we let borrow our set returned it without the first disc! We LOVE this series. If you have never watched it, rent it NOW!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; Psalm 103:11

Tajique, New Mexico

~Mike drove me to work & he attended 10am service. I paid bills & enjoyed coffee hour. I worked on the newsletter.

~Date Nite: This was moved to tonight due to a special CCW class scheduled for Thu-Fri. That class was cancelled. After warmups, we worked on specific requests from students. Reloading, not now & trigger control. I did mess up my first reload, but did find that if I loosen up on my grip, my shots are better. I am still the most accurate of the class. One drill, all 4 of my shots went in the same hole.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Goes with...

...everything! This skirt has seven colors in it, so seven different looks. This time, it's paired with a pink shirt. I pulled the black & turquoise up into the bead necklace & silver/turquoise earrings (a gift from the Hunter's).

~At the office, I worked on bulletins, newsletter & address list.

~We attended the Vestry meeting.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Scarf Sold!!

Boa Scarf in Lipstick Jungle sold to Barbara in NY, a repeat customer

~I stopped by Big Lots (soup & multi-grain chips) before heading up to the church to help Chuck load food bags. I also called in payroll.

~Back home, I cooked up a pound of bacon & did a load of laundry.

~I made a new hat pattern with the crown being the Barstow pattern with a brim like the Cheyenne hat in Red Heart Supersaver Claret/Aran. It's pretty!

~We had summer sausage omelets for supper.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


KY/TX Chili-Hormel Chili(no beans), large can tomato sauce, Progresso Lentil Soup, RiceARoni chicken fajita rice mix & chicken broth. It made 7 bowls for my freezer!

~We got groceries at Walmart & Smith's.

~I attended 10:30 A.M. mass where I served as Crucifer, Lay Reader & Acolyte. I helped clean up after the Baked Potato Fest.

~I made a Sedona Hat in Mainstays Vallejo Tan/Lion Brand Vanna's Choice Rust & a Durango Hat in Mainstays Vallejo Tan.

~I made Mike a cheesy bacon chicken wrap for supper.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hat Sold!!

Roseburg Hat in Marigold/Honeysuckle Bloom sold to Shandra in IA

~I stopped off for gas on the way up to the church. I took down the Woolly Tree(which was used for the Santos during Christmas) & attended Prayer Shawl Ministry. Anne had cleaned out some closets at home & now our yarn closet is full. They gave me all the scaraps! I worked on the Blue Diamond shawl. I dropped off oatmeal cookies to the Napa Boys on the way home.

~I made a Flapper Beanie in Lion Brand WoolEase Cream/Grey & used up some other scraps on squares.

~Mike got off work early so as to not go over 40 hours. I made him a chicken bacon cheese wrap for supper.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Basic Black-Goes with everything!

~I made a batch of Oatmeal cookies, but they ran badly. I did use all butter & real white sugar when I normally do just under half crisco for butter & Splenda. They still taste good, just not pretty. I swept the floors & cooked up a pound of sausage.

~I made a Little Tweed Bag in retro Brown/Orange/White multicolor & worked on scrap squares.

~I made Mike a grilled cheesy hotdog wrap for supper.

~We watched Hanna. It was more of a drama than we like with a little action.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Scarf Sold!!

Ribbed Scarf in Walnut/Vermilion sold to Steve in ND

~Edits to bulletins, then printing/folding/stuffing. The rest of the day, working on the February newsletter. We gave out 17 bags at the Food Pantry.

~Date Nite: After warmups, we spent the night clearing malfunctions. After break, we worked on reloads. I messed up the tactical reload, but it was okay because i just kept going with the drill.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Prayer Shawl

Diamond Prayer Shawl in Red for St. Mary's Prayer Shawl Ministry

~Mike took me to work & found that my address book was unrecoverable. I spent some time getting all my emails back in. I worked on the newsletter & enjoyed fellowship at coffee hour. Mike came & picked me up. There was an unknown truck in the parking lot, so we went around & checked the doors.

~I worked on the Oranges granny square lap blanket.

~We both had an omelet wrap for supper. We have decided this will be our Wednesday night supper from now on.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. Psalm 102:25

Carlsbad Caverns-New Mexico

~At the office, I worked on bulletins, helped mail year-end statements, helped take down an outdoor banner, worked on the newsletter.

~I stopped at Albertson's on the way home for chocolate icing.

~I made a Star doily in natural thread. It's actually a dishcloth pattern, but I don't make dishcloths. I could see this pattern used as a baby blanket in worsted yarn! This is a very easy, repetitive pattern.

~I made Mike a chicken bacon cheese wrap, sweet pickle & honey wheat pretzel supper.

~We watched In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale. This is a good fantasy movie where the good guys win.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Swedish Ginger Cookies on a birth-month saucer(with matching tea cup-a gift from Mom). It takes about 2 pounds of bacon to get enough bacon grease to make these cookies. One usually thinks of spicy cookies as a holiday thing, but I make these year-round & they are liked by all!

~I did a load of laundry, made a batch of Apple Bran Muffins, dusted furniture & swept the floors.

~I finished the Tranquility Shawl in Red Heart Supersaver Rose Pink. I also made 4-round squares & 1-round squares in Red Heart Blueberry Pie.

~I made Mike a meatball sandwich for supper.

~We watched Red. I LOVE Helen Mirren!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Scarf Sold!!

Boa Scarf in Scarlet/Black Swan sold to Amanda in IL

~Mike has the day off!! We got groceries at Walmart & Smith's.

~We attended 10:30 A.M. service where Mike was usher & I was Crucifer & Acolyte. We enjoyed fellowship at coffee hour.

~We helped out at ccw class.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Just one more tool in the tool box!

~I attended the Daughters of the King Epiphany Eucharist & Brunch. Fr. Jim led the service. It was great food & wonderful fellowship.

~I finished the Garland of Blossoms scarf in Black/Multicolors and worked on scrap squares.

~I made Mike a ham/cheese wrap with honey wheat pretzels for supper.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hats & Scarves Sold!!!

Boa Scarf in French Violet/Lace
Ascot Boa Scarf in Stain Glass/Cyan
Both scarves sold to Barbara in NY

Sedona Hat in Enchanted Evening sold to Charles in TN

~I went to Albertson's for apples & apple butter. They had good prices on eggs & frozen vegetables, too! I also stopped by Big Lots before dropping off Dark Chocolate Macaroons for the Napa Boys.

~Back home, I made a pot of Lentil & Rice chili & put 7 bowls in the freezer.

~I made a Roseburg hat in unknown Autumn Red with a unknown Dark Brown flower pin. I also made a Little Purse with Mainstays Autumn Splendor.

~I made Mike a grilled cheesy hot dog wrap for supper. We watched The Fifth Element, one of our top-10 favs!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hat Sold!!

Bottineau Hat in Black/Flame sold to Eileen in NY

~I got all the bulletins done & was cleaning up folders on my computer when I deleted something important for email. I called in Mike to fix it. I can get/send emails, but lost all my addresses. Mike still says he can recover them.

~Date Nite: I worked the whole evening with my Ruger LCR from the Crossbreed Supertuck holster. It is a totally different system than my Springfield XDM/CompTac holster. But, by the end of the night, I did get better.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Scarf Sold!!

Garland of Blossoms scarf in Black/Multi sold to Margo in CA

~Mike took me to work. I worked on bulletins, prayers, enjoyed cake for Helen's 91st birthday & started on the parochial report.

~I worked on a Black/Multi Garland of Blossoms scarf. I also finished a Paint Chip lap blanket.

~I made Mike a cheesy bacon chicken wrap for supper.

~We watched The A Team. Not having watched the TV show, it was all new to me. Pretty good!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the LORD our God is holy. Psalm 99:9

Shiprock, New Mexico

~At the office, I worked on bulletins, prayers, parish list & called to find out info on a spring craft fair. They said they would call me back.

~I made a Roseburg Hat in retro Kmart Sayelle Bone with a star-flower pin in Red Heart Supersaver Country Blue.

~I made Mike a meatball sandwich for supper.

~We watched Jonah Hex. It was pretty cool!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Lap Blanket

Granny Squares in Red Heart Supersaver Aspen Print, Buff & Cafe for the Hunter's for Christmas.

~I helped Chuck load the bags at the Food pantry then came back home.

~I made Swedish Ginger Cookies, bacon & changed the Christmas Tree to a Tea Tree, since January is National Hot Tea Month.

~I made an Artisan Scarf in Red Heart Symphony River Blue.

~I made Mike a grilled cheesy hotdog wrap for supper.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Let's party like it's 1773!

~We were in bed by the normal time, but the fireworks at midnight woke up.

~We got groceries at Walmart & Smith's.

~I attended 10:30 A.M. service where I was Crucifer, Acolyte, Lay Reader & LEM. I had taken half a pan of Dark Chocolate Chunk Punkin Cake. I did security check, too.

~I made a Durango Hat in Hobby Lobby I Love This Yarn Dark Olive with a rust button.

~Mike got off at 3pm. We had a "date nite" of pizza, watching Cowboys & Aliens (which we enjoyed alot!)and Ben & Jerry's.