Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hat Sold!!

I sold a Cheyenne Hat in Meadow/Poppy to Diana in TN

~Mike drove me to work. I started the bulletins for Feb 6, before Ms. Jeannine came in for edits on the Jan 30 bulletin. With only one service, it went quickly & I hade them printed/folded inserted in no time! I helped Fr. Jim with more computer stuff(I''m now Tech Support, LOL). After lunch, we went on a "Road Trip" to purchase the typewriter for the office. It is just like the one Fr. Jim brought from home. I'm so excited! Mike came & picked me up at 1pm.

~We attended Defensive handgun Technique class as "Student Instructors". We have a class of 4 ladies/4 guys,which is a good number. This class seems more enthusiastic then the last two. They all did pretty good. I will be working one-on-one with one lady tomorrow to build her confidence.