~I went to Albertsons for a few things & brought them back home before heading pout again. I made a quick run through the Family Thrift Center before heading up to the church. AM met me there to help sort/catalog the items collected for the school supply drive. It seems like more than previous years. We delivered the items, just across the street from the church. I picked up JF's food bag & delivered it. A stop back by the house to pick up/drop off Peanut Butter Crispies for the Napa Boys. Tried on 2 shirts at Goodwill, but both too big.
~Back home, I swept the floor, unloaded the dishwasher & sorted vegetables.
~I made 3 flower pins from RH Lustersheen for headbands. I also started a Round Ripple in Caron Taupe/RHS Frosty Green Fleck for the Food Fair & Bazaar raffle in November.
~I designed a Fruit Snuggy & it is adorable! I'll be making these for the FF&B, too!
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