Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Opinions Please!!

Possible addition to my fall sales-Fruit Snuggie. I value your opinion as to saleability & price.

~I got a call from JT to say she may not be in to serve at the 10am service. I told her I would do it.

~Mike drove me to work. JT's appointment didn't take long, so she did show up to train me as LEM. I was Acolyte & Chalice Bearer, along with reading the two lessons & Prayers of the People. Everyone said I did well! I worked on bulletins, food fair signup sheets & confirmation papers. It rained really hard for about 20 minutes.

~I made a Fruit Snuggie in unknown Taupe with a Plum button.

~I made Mike a grilled cheesy hotdog wrap & I had a salad of tomato(given to me by Ms. Dorothy), turkey pepperoni & spinach dip. It was YUM!

~We watched Battle Los Angeles. It was good!


  1. Fruit snuggie...would be a really unique way to present the proverbial "apple for the teacher"...but for what other occasion would one put a sweater on one's fruit? Might be surprisingly saleable since it's so novel!

  2. It keeps your fruit from getting bruised in your lunch sack!
