The above scarves sold to Ewa in NY
~Busy day at work. Along with working on bulletins for next Sunday, I started work on Advent Lessons & Carols for the 19th.
My life!
~At Big Lots, I picked up 4 kid's games for the Wings for L.I.F.E. drive.
~I helped Chuck load bags at the Food Pantry, then helped the ladies sort & price White Elephant items. We also put up a permanent display of raffle items in the parish hall. We weren't done until noon, so I went home instead of to thrift stores.
~I swept the floors & did a load of laundry.
~I made a Cheyenne Hat in Brown/Cream tweed yarn from Big Lots. It is more of a DK weight, so it is a smaller preteen size. Next time, I will hold 2 strands together.
~Mike got off at 4:30pm! I love having him home early!!
~I made flower centers for a Garland of Blossoms scarf in RHS Lipstick.
~We got groceries at Walmart & Smiths.
~Mike forgot his lunch, so I dropped it off at Napa before going to church. I helped with ushering & coffee hour.
~Back home, I made a batch of Dirty Rice, some for a potluck on Thursday & some for adding to soup.
~I made a Roseburg Hat in RHS Claret/unknown Camel tan.
~We attended 4:30pm service.
~All day in pajamas!!
~I made Bahama Mama Bars for the Food Fair, then spent the rest of the day crocheting. I made a Cheyenne Hat in LB Homespun Black/Sunset Shimmer & a Sedona Hat in RH Fleck Black/Burgundy. I also worked on granny squares, which I have missed!
~I went up to the Family Thrift Center at 8:45am. The parking lot was half empty, but it was full & a line out the door at 9am! I was able to get a handbasket,though. I got 3 scarves & 2 hats for the Woolly Tree & a skirt, long-sleeve Tshirt, fabric apple for me. Not bad for $13!
~At Goodwill, I found a long-sleeve & sleeveless cover shirts & a floral sleeveless shirt.
~Back home, I spent the day crocheting. I made a Tulsa(granny square band)Hat in Black/Multicolor & a Bottineau Hat in Black/Teal-Black-Gray.
~Around 3pm, Mike texted that he would be closing, but then Ryan let him go at 4:30pm! Cool!!
~I made Mike a bacon cheeseburger wrap for supper. We watched The Chronicles of Riddick.
~After vacumming & sweeping, I made a batch of Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies for the Food Fair. There was one extra over 4 dozen, so Mike & I shard it. I used the rest of the can of pumpkin to make Smeer.
~Mike put plastic film over the door & window in the utility room. Hopefully it will make a difference in that room & the kitchen being so much colder than the rest of the house.
~I made a Cheyenne Hat in Homespun Paua Shell/Turquoise & a Neckwarmer in CSS Blue Mint/vintage wool Turquoise with Black faceted buttons.
~We had Ben & Jerry's icecream for supper!
~The leaves on the Black Mulberry in the front yard are falling like snowflakes. They should be all gone in a few days!
~I got the newsletter printed out, but had to wait on a few things & ended up having to reprint 2 pages. I also worked on bulletins & PoP.
~I made a Cheyenne Hat in LB Homespun Candy Apple/Dazzleaire Gray.
~Since I have Thanksgiving off, I am going into work today since bulletins & the newsletter still need to get done.
~Worked like it was Tuesday. Editted bulletins & the newsletter. Worked on templets for SMT certificates.
~Tonight was supposed to be "Date Nite", since Thursday is Thanksgiving. Mike texted he has to close the store. I made him coffee & a PB/AB wrap, iced some chocolate brownies & took them down to Napa.
~I made a Roseburg hat in RHS Medium Purple.
~I did a load of sheets/towels.
~I made Orange Craisin Coconuttys.
~I spent the rest of the afternoon crocheting. I made a Roseburg Hat in Black/Dark Red, 3 more Button Trees in Hunter Green & a Wenatchee Hat in Buff/Orange Jujubes.
~I attended music practice.
~I plan to spend the day at home catching up on chores. I am doing the laundry this week since Mike didn't have any days off, and started it after breakfast.
~I made Swedish Ginger Cookies using a 24-count tartlet pan(they are more squares with round bottoms-noted on recipe to use 1/2-Tbsp of dough), a 12-count tree-shape mold(again,need to use less dough). I browned the sausage for soup, but realized I had no 1/2 & 1/2,so I went out around noon.
~At Goodwill, I got a Tshirt & angel ornament. At Family Thrift Center, I got a skirt & a platter(1/2 price). At Albertson's, I got Cokes(4 for $9), flatbreads & 1/2 & 1/2.
~Back home, I finished the soup.
~I finished a Garland of Blossom scarf in Light Sage/Multicolor, added a beige flower pin to the Caron Rhapsody Cranberry Mist Roseburg hat, added Dark Antique Rose stripes & flower pin to the Taupe Tweed Sedona Hat & made a Sedona Hat in CSS Embroidery Print. I also made the last 4 Lip Balm keychains. I may or may not make more depending on what I find of different lip balms over the next few weeks.
~Mike closed the store.
~Napa Boy Ryan & his wife had a baby on Monday, so Mike will be working today & tomorrow. No weekend for him!
~Worked on ingredient lists, helped Ms. Edla set up the Woolly Tree, worked on the December newsletter. After work, I rotated the items on the White Elephant sale table.
~I made a Roseburg hat in Caron Rhapsody Cranberry Mist.
~Mike closed the store.
~I cut the Peanut Butter Cup blondies this morning. They are sweet enough,so I made a note on my recipe that if chips or something else sweet is added, the brown suger/white sugar amounts can be reduced.
~Normal Tuesday editing bulletins. Lots of visitors,trying to get things done before Thanksgiving travel. Four cakes turned in for the Food Fair. Typed up a bunch of ingredient cards.
~I finished a Garalnd of Blossoms scarf in Black/Multicolr & made a Cheyenne Hat in LB Homespun Prairie with a burgandy wine rose pin.
~Vestry meeting was only 35 minutes!
~I helped Chuck load 25 bags at the Food Pantry. We are giving out 5-lb hams this week for Thanksgiving.
~At Goodwill, I got a floral polo shirt for me.
~At downtown Big Lots, I found Reeses Peanut Butter cups in pumpkin shape,75% off, which made them 12cents each(regular 50cents). I bought the whole case, as well as orange cookies.
~At Savers, I got a pretty floral skirt.
~Back home, I cut up 5 Reeses pumpkins and added them to the Peanut Butter blondies I made.
~I finished a Roseburg hat in Black, adding a flower pin in Watermelon. I then used the Watermelon on a Kalispell hat, adding a big rose pin in vintage sparkly silver yarn.
~Mike closed the store.
~I made 3 more Lip Balm keychains.
~I attended the Worship Committee Meeting at 9am,followed by the Acolyte meeting at 10am. Afterwards, I put some items for the raffle on a table in the Parish Hall.
~I attended a Newcomers party at the home of St. Mary's senior warden. I have been at St. Mary's, officially, 1 year/3 months, but it is so much my life, I can hardly remember a time without it!
~Mike & I spent the evening together watching "Iron Man 2". It was not as good as the first one.
~I had planned on watering the trees, but decided 34 degrees was too cold!
~I made a Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cake recipe,using Splenda & sugar-free Hershey's chips. It made 6 mini-bundts & 8 petite loaves. They are for the Food Fair in December.
~I did some banking business,then went to Goodwill where I found Mike a tall swivel bar stool for the garage, a teacup & a country birdhouse. At the Family Thrift Center, I got a skein of yarn & clip clotheshangers.
~I dropped off Chocolate Oatmeal PB cups for the Napa Boys.
~I spent the rest of the afternoon crocheting. I finished the Cheyenne Hat in LB Homespun Sierra, adding a rose pin in Dark Dusty Rose. I also made 3 Button Tree ornaments in RHS Light Sage. I will have to go online to find proper tree names.
~Mike closed the store.
~Printed/folded/inserted bulletins, designed flyers for the Contemporary service, ordered bulletin covers for the Christmas services. The Food Pantry gave away 21 bags in 10 minutes!
~We went down to the range early to meet Susie for her 2-year recertification.
~Date Nite-After warming up, we did "multi-tasking" drills. Using targets with numbers 1-5 on them, we would be given a number & would have to use 2,3 or 4 shots to add up to the given number. Also, did this drill with a combat reload thrown in either before shooting or after the first shot. It was very interesting!. After the break, we went back to regular timed shooting. I got a 1.75 double-tap at 3 yards. WooHoo!!
~Did normal stuff at work along with helping change the altar hanging & started designing flyers for the food fair, but didn't get very far.
~Back home, I made 3 Button Trees in Medium Thyme & a Durango Hat in Bernat Alpaca Natural Blends Fern.
~We sold the Bronco to the young guy who came by & looked at it twice.
~I went to Big Lots and got soup, lip balms, plastic baggies & 2 skeins of yarn.
~I helped Chuck load bags at the Food Pantry, called in payroll & changed out the items on the White Elephant/Raffle table.
~I made stops at Dollar Tree(pretzels, white vinegar, dried pineapple/papaya), Walmart(sugar-free chocolate chips) & Michael's(3 skeins of Homespun yarn).
~Back home, I made chocolate brownies, sorted mushrooms/olives & cut up the dried pineapple/papaya.
~I designed/made 8 Lip Balm Key Rings, matching multicolor yarns to the color of the caps. They are adorable!!
~Mike closed the store. The young guy who looked at the Bronco last night came back with his step-father.
~We got groceries at Walmart & Smith's.
~I went up to church a little early. I bought a jar of Vicki's Cherry jam for a Christmas present.
~I attended 10:30am mass & helped with cleanup after coffee hour.
~I made a Cheyenne Hat in unknown fuzzy Red-Wine-Brown/Brown. I plan to add a big brown button to the side.
~I went up to church early so Mark could show me how to do the Contemporary order of service in Power Point. I made coffee & Mike attended the 4:30pm service with me.
~We had a guy come by to look at the Bronco. He seemed very interested!
~At work, I got all the bulletins done by 11:30am. I attened the St. Elizabeth's Guild meeting at 1pm.
~Date Nite: Concentrated on getting our arms locked out.