~We went to JoAnn's for curtain material for the parish hall. It is dark raspberry with a tone-on-tone pretty design. Susan is sewing them.
~Back home, I made a Kalispell Hat in unknown Marigold(from a thrift shop) with a rose pin in RHS Country Rose(leftover from the Lobster Trap prayer shawl),which I call "Rhubarb".
~I went to music practice. We sang "I'll Fly Away". It sounded really good with Lauren's soprano & my alto. Zander helped me make copies! We also pacticed the palm processional with instruments for the children.
~I made Mike a chicken bacon cheese sammie while I had chunky peanut butter/apple butter on wheat tortilla.
I'm so glad I found your blog again! Your blog posts are always so interesting! I hoped everything was okay before when the other one stopped. It is good to see that all is well.