My first No Bake Cookies. Mom helped while she was visiting a few weeks ago.~Date Nite: We got to the range early to pick up my new Springfield XDM 9mm 3.8! It is awesome!! I had made a 1/2-down payment last week & got a call on Tuesday from Andrew saying it had come in. I was able to pay off the rest of it, with a little left over, from selling the Kahr K9. I did like the Kahr, but it was not designed to put as many rounds through it as I do. I shot the XDM before class & it feels like there nothing in my hand. The combination of weight, size makes it shoot like butter! After warming up, we had three controlled shooting competitions at distances of 3-5-7 yards. I came in 1st, 2nd & 3rd! Have I told you how much I LOVE my XDM?!
~After dropping off a shirt at Napa (Mike had texted me he ripped a button off!), I went to Smith's to get groceries for the church Food Pantry. Julie, who normally does it, is on vacation & I have been doing it for the last month.
~I stopped by Hobby Lobby to pick up some RHS Mid Brown for a lap blanket & they didn't have any! I used my coupon on a skein of LBVC Gray Marble.
~I dropped the groceries off at the church & took a food bag to a parishioner.
~At Goodwill, I got 2 bowls, but nothing at Family Thrift Center.
~Back home, I sorted sugar, rice, beans & tea bags into individual servings for the Food Pantry. I also did a load of laundry & swept the floors.
~I made an Artisan Scarf in Patons Divine "Richest Rose". This yarn is so soft & pretty! Sadly, it has mohair in it & makes me itch.
~I made Mike a Cheesy Hot Dog Grilled Wrap for supper.