~We got groceries at Walmart & Smith's.
~I went up to church early to set up the Prayer Shawl table for the Ministry Fair, but Anne Malmstrom had already done it. I enjoyed fellowship with the 8am people.
~I ushered,along with Jim,& also had to change the hymn numbers on the wood board up front. I enjoyed pancakes & quiche, donations collected for ABQ Christian childrens home. I helped cleanup afterwards.
~We attended 4:30pm service.
~I changed into my Lady Deschain costume & went to the Mallorys to help with the haunted garage. With the black lights, the cream tablecloth I threw over my costume was glowing an eerie blue, so I became a ghost. I was positioned just inside the exit, standing very still. People weren't sure if I was real or not. I waited until they just passed before moving forward & saying "Don't make me come after you!". They freaked!! It was a great night.