Thursday, May 26, 2011
Prayer Shawl

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

~Mike came to work with me to get the new office computer up & running. We did do newsletters first, folding/taping, stamping & addressing. I did get a call from Mr. Art that Ms. Edla had passed in the night. She was my friend & fellow Daughter of the King & I will miss her greatly. I will write more about her when I can. Fortunately, it was a fairly busy day.
~We had bacon cheeseburger wraps for supper.
~I finished the Green scrap granny square lap blanket.
~We watched "Sons of Katy Elder". I slept through parts of it.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
KY's newest nurse!!
~At the office, I worked on bulletins, prayers of the people. Ms. Jeannine came in for edits to the newsletter. I got them printed,collated & stapled. I stopped off a the post office to pick up a priority envelope.
~I made Mike a chicken bacon cheese wrap.
~I worked on the Green granny square lap blanket.
Monday, May 23, 2011
You have broken through all his walls and reduced his strongholds to ruins. Psalm 89:40
~Busy morning! Big Lots(skein of yarn, chocolate icing), Food Pantry, pick up bulletins from church, sort recyclables, call in payroll, drop off mail, Hobby Lobby(skein of RHS Cafe w/40%-off coupon), Albertsons(special dark cocoa for my coffee), Goodwill(sleeveless tshirt), Family Thrift Center(nothing) & post office(Priority box).
~Back home, I swept the floors & unload the dishwasher.
~I made a Cheyenne Hat in Bernat Denimstyle Batik(wine/white tweed) with a Caron Dazzleaire Silver flower pin centered with a black button.
~We hat grilled cheesy hotdog wraps for supper.
~I started putting together the Cabin lap blanket.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Armed American
~We got groceries at Walmart & Smiths.
~I attended 10:30am service,where I was Acolyte #1 & helped clean up after coffee hour.
~I picked up Mike at 2pm, leaving Jason & Bryan some Oatmeal Cookies, & helped with CCW class. 6 ladies in a group of 17. It's amazing how much difference a class makes when they are enthusiastic & eager to learn!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Hat & Scarf Sold!!
~I did a load of laundry.
~I went to the Family Thrift Center & looked around some before heading up to the church for Acolyte Training. It was just me & Jack. We went over a few things, but only for about 20 minutes. I went into the office & sorted mail, took a prayer shawl over to the Sacristy for blessing, saw my new computer(still in the box) & picked up scones from the fridge which I had laid out on Thursday.
~I went back to the FTC & tried on 4 pair of pants. They were all too low cut. The only thing I got was a tea ball.
~Back home, I cut up the scones. Roy brings them from Le Chantilly, where he gets the day-olds for free. I cut them up into 4 pieces each. There seems to be Chocolate Chip, Lemon, Currant & Blueberry. Also some Maple Oat Cakes. I will serve them at Coffee Hour on Sunday.
~I made a Boa Scarf in Caron Feathers Meadowlark/CSS Pagoda & finished the CP Lilac Alluring Shawl.
~I made Mike a Ham & Cheese quesadilla.
~I worked on scrap quares.
~We watched "The Cowboys". We love these old westerns.
Friday, May 20, 2011
~I made a batch of Ginger Coconuttys & swept the floor.
~I dropped off Peanut Butter Crispie Cups for the Napa Boys.
~I picked up Mike's contacts, got a skein of Bernat Denim Style Batik for $1 at a church thrift shop, picked up orange cookies, popcorn & paper plates at Big Lots & found a skirt & vest at Savers. Good outing!
~Back home, I made an Artisan Scarf in Bernat Kashmere black/Lion Brand Trellis Rainbow.
~We had burgers for supper.
~I made the last 4 blue/tan squares for the Cabin lap blanket.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Scarf Sold!!
~It rained during the night & sprinkled most of the morning. Woo Hoo!! Mike drove me to work. Ms. Jeannine came in to help with final edits to the bulletins. I got them printed/folded/inserted in no time. I alos got a rough-draft of the newsletter ready for edits. I cleaned out some folders on my computer. We dropped off a bag of food for a homebound parishioner, who I will, from now on, refer to as "JF".
~Date Nite: 8 regulars & 2 new ladies from last weeks Draw Class. We focused on the basics, shooting at the 3-yard line, controlled pairs, reloading and shooting from low-ready & in the target.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Ken's Steakhouse Dressing

~Mike drove me to work & did some stuff on the A/C's before heading off to a Napa meeting. I brought Norm some Golden Raisin Oatmeal cookies,which he said were good, mailed/filed bills, worked on the newsletter, bulletins & prayers of the people.
~I made Mike a chicken bacon cheese wrap while I had leftover Dirty Rice.
~I worked on the Cabin lap blanket, making 4 squares in tan/blue.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I will set his hand over the sea, his right hand over the rivers. Psalm 89:25
~Normal stuff at the office, working on Sunday bulletins, printing out stuff for a meeting tonight. There was a small problem with the printer, which was fixed in no time. I mailed out 2 letters & worked on the June newsletter & started typing the Psalms in the Tenebrae bulletin, which I don't really need until next year, but I had a free 1/2 hour to fill.
~I made a Neck Warmer in LBWET&Q Walnut, adding antiqued brass buttons.
~We had grilled cheesy hotdog wraps for supper.
~I worked on the Green scarp granny square lap blanket.
~We picked up J. Harper on the way to the Vestry Meeting. 3 members weren't there, but still enough for a quorum. The meeting was over at 8pm.
Monday, May 16, 2011
~I stopped off at Big Lots (FiberOne granoila bars-1/2 price!) before heading up to the church to help load bags at the Food Pantry. I also picked up bulletins, removing the UTO inserts before recycling & sorted mail.
~I tried on 2 pair of pants at Goodwill. Neither fit right. I picked up apple butter & raspberry syrup at Albertsons.
~Back home, I made Oatmeal Cookies, each cookie sheet different: golden raisins, peanut butter/chocolate chips, rainbow mini Kisses & butterscotch chips. A dozen of the Golden Raisins are for the NW Deanery meeting in June, and the other 5 going to Norm. I also cooked a batch of bacon & swept the floors.
~I made a flower pin in White for the Roseburg Hat in Light Spruce. I used the leftover Light Spruce on a toddler beanie with a white band.
~We had bacon cheeseburger wraps for supper.
~I finished the Log Cabin squares, having 22.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
~We got groceries at Walmart & Smiths.
~I attended the 10:30am service & served as Acolyte #2.
~I made a Roseburg Hat in Caron Pounder Soft Sage, but didn't make a flower for it.
~We attended 4:30pm service & enjoyed potluck.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Waiting for the mailman...
~Mike forgot his lunch, so I took it down there & also dropped off Turtle brownies.
~I stopped at the Family Thrift Center & picked up a boys shirt to wear for lounging around the house, the main reason I went on Friday, but forgot!
~It was just Anne & me at Prayer Shawl Ministry. I worked on the Alluring Shawl.
~I stopped at Hobby Lobby & got a skein of RHS Windsoir blue with a 40%-off coupon. It looks like they are not restocking RHS, since I have not seen any Claret yarn.
~Back home, I did a load of laundry, swept the floors & made Dirty Rice for potluck tomorrow.
~I finished 2 hats I had started, a Roseburg Hat in RHS Burgundy/vintage Camel & a Sedona Hat in RHS Cherry Chip/Taupe.
~I made Mike a chicken bacon cheese wrap for supper.
~We watched "Rio Bravo". The old westerns are awesome!!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Lap Blanket
~I started a Prayer Shawl using the Alluring pattern in Caron Pounder Lilac.
~I went to the Family Thrift Center & found 2 sleeveless button-up shirts for me, a sport shirt for Mike & a platter for my wall. I didn't find anything at Goodwill. I picked up a few groceries at Albertsons.
~I did a load of laundry, made devil eggs, cut up yellow peppers & broccoli & made dip for a party this evening. I also swept the floor.
~I started a Button Garland in Neutrals.
~I went up early to help Anne & Lauren with Gladys' graduation party. It was a success! Mike & I helped with cleanup afterwards.
Post for Thursday
~We helped with Concealed Carry Draw Class. Now these people, for the most part, were motivated to learn. 3 women in a class of 10.
~We had Date nite after CCDC. We did timed drills. Center mass & Failure Drills at the 3, 5, 7 & 10 yard lines & Center Mass at the 15 & 25 yard lines. I am better than I was 1 year/8 months ago.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD. Psalm 89:15
~Mike & I spent the day at the range helping with security people switching from a revolver to a semi-auto. They will be using a S&W M&P .40. I learned to take it apart & put it back together. I will tell you that don't expect the security guard to protect you. They were sadly under trained in comparison to what we do every week.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Being prey...
~Super-busy at work! Norm came in & paid bills,brining me a chocolate muffin. Ms. Jeannine came in to edit bulletins. I got them all done. I worked on bulletins for the next few Sundays.
Jim Harper came in with his LEV kit & brought me 2 different kinds of Dark Chocolate from Trader Joes. I took a food bag to a homebound parishioner.
~We had grilled hotdog cheesy wraps for supper.
~I worked on the Grass Green scrap granny square lap blanket.
~We watched Sherlock Holmes. It's pretty cool!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Scarf & Hat Sold!!
~I went to work this morning,so I can have Wednesday off. I didn't help at the Food Pantry, but I did pick up the bulletins in the church, removing the Gideon inserts before recycling. I did a little on the bulletins, but had done most of the work last week. I started work on the June newsletter & finished the June bulletin board calender. I also did some work on the St. Elizabeth Guild paperwork. Fr. Jim left at 3:30pm for an appoinment, but I stayed until 5pm.
~It was weird that Mike got off work before me! After putting the clothes(which I washed before going to work)in the dryer, I made us burgers. Mike had his on a light flat bread with bacon & cheese while I had mine with spinach dip/no wrap. It was delish!
~I worked on the Cabin lap blanket.
Happy Mother's Day...
~I drove Mike to work, dropping off some Cinnamon Almond Coconuttys for Jason & Bryan.
~I attended 10:30am mass, where I ushered & did the first reading. Afterwards, I handed out carnations to the mothers & helped with coffee hour.
~I picked up Mike from work at 2pm & we helped out at CCW class. Much better than the last class,attitude-wise.
Saturday, May 7, 2011

~I attended the Mutual Ministry Review, in place of Mike. It's a meeting between Vestry & an outside consultant in regards to where the church is/going. Afterwards, I changed the water in the Mother's day carnations.
~Back home, I made fudge brownies & swept the floor.
~I put together a Garland of Blossoms scarf in previously-made flowers in a vintage ombre shades of pink & white/ILTY Olive.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Hormel Turkey Pepperoni

~I had nothing planned for today but to find carnations for a good price for handing out at church on Sunday for Mother's Day. It turned out that the first place I went Candelaria Albertsons, had them for 3 for $12. Most bunches had 7,but I was able to find 4 bunches with 8. I was able to get 89 carnations, in different colors, for $48! I took them up to the church, put them in water & called Anne to let her know. She said it was a good price! My "chore" for the day was done by 9:15 a.m.
~I went to the Family Thrift Center(nothing) & Goodwill. I found a platter in a style pattern that Mom Dee had a few dishes of & a green glass egg tray, both for $5! I will post picturtes at a later time.
~I made a Flapper Beanie in RHS Coffee/RHS Cherry Chip, a Barstow Hat in RHS Coffee/unknown Taupe/unknown Olive. I also worked on scrap granny squares.
~We had grilled hotdog wraps for supper.
~I worked on the Green/Tan/Blue lap blanket. I need to come up with a name for this multicolor.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Hats Sold!!

Both hats sold to Brenda in MI
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Be ready...

~Mike drove me to work. He looked at the work the plumbers did and is not sure what they did! I mailed/filed bills, worked on bulletins & prayers of the people. I spent the majority of the day trying to convert a publisher file to a word file of an updated Parish List. Fr. Jim sent me his old one & I updated that one. I did have to make a seperate cover page.
~I finished a Tie Dye Beanie in retro Caron Yarn A Plenty( 10oz skein) Country Look (shades of dusty blue & rust).
~We had bacon cheeseburger wraps for supper.
~I worked on granny squares & the Cabin in the Woods lap blanket.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Lap Blanket
~At the office, I worked on bulletins, prayers of the people, printed out a welcome letter, helped Fr. Jim take down the FPU banner, helped Ms. Jeannine with the Narthex bulletin board. I asked for next Wed/Thu off for classes & it was granted. I will just work all day on Mon/Tue, which will be 16 hours for the week, with 2 more to be made up somewhere else.
~I pulled out yarn for a new lap blanket. I chose an unknown multicolor in camel/green/country blue/white, adding unkown camel & RHS Spa Blue(slightly lighter than the RHS Country Blue). It will be the granny square style. I started the squares with 1 round in Camel & 3 rounds in the multicolor. I will continue with these until I run out of multicolor & then I will go from there.
~I made Mike a chicken bacon cheese wrap for supper. I had a pepperoni/cheese wrap.
~We watched Serenity, one of our Top 10 favs! Shiny!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth you founded the world and all that is in it.Psalm 89:11
~I went to Big Lots at 9am, as usual. It was closed due to the employees doing inventory. This should be done in off hours! Totally messed up my routine!! I did go to Family Thrift Center instead & got 6 new skeins of Hobby Lobby I Love This Yarn for $5.99, so I was happy again.
~I helped load bags at the Food Pantry & picked up bulletins from the church.
~I didn't find anything at Goodwill, so went to Dollar Tree for cards & snacks for the nursery.
~Back home, I made Peanut Butter Crispies. I used the 24-count mini muffin tin & left them plain & the remainder went into two smaller pans with the chocolate/butterscotch icing on top. I iced fudge brownie & took them down to the Napa boys.
~Back home, I turned flower coasters into ornaments for my office swags.
~I made a Bottineau Hat in CSS Rose Violet/Phentex Fashion 8 Baby pink(eyelash yarn).
~We had grilled hot dog wraps for supper.
~I finished the Bon Bon/Turqua/Black granny lap blanket. It is awesome!!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Happy May!
~We got groceries at Walmart & Smiths.
~I attended 10:30am service where I was Acolyte #1 & LEM(even though I'm not licensed yet!). Barbara was admitted to the Daughters of the King & given a Prayer Shawl. I helped Mell clean up after coffee hour.
~I made a Sedona Hat in retro Carrousel Softelle Flax/Bernat Boucle' Custard.
~We attended 4:30pm service. It was snowing for about an hour, huge flakes!
~I made Mike a ham/cheese grill for supper.