Ginger Cookies-recipe from the Depression Era using bacon grease instead of butter.
~Mike came to work with me an hour early to collate,staple,fold,tape,address & stamp The Magnificat newsletter. I made him a pot of very strong coffee. He finished up the last dozen or so by himself when Fr. Jim came in to work on the bulletins for Holy Week services(Tenebrae, Maundy Thursday & Good Friday). I left work at 11:45am.
~Got to Ms. Jean Black's house in Hidden Valley around 12pm. Along with Donita, Jeannine, Helen, Mary & Mari, we had a nice lunch(quiche, stuffed mushrooms, crab salad, cherry cheesecake) & talk. All the ladies have led such interesting lives! It was wonderful to get to know them all better. We all left at 3pm.
~When I got home, Mike had gotten the drive shaft changed in his Bronco, had made a run to Tijeras & declared the problem fixed. All the lunch carbs caught up with me & I took a nap.
~I made Mike a chicken bacon cheese sammie for supper.
~I finished the Tweed Cloche in one strand each teal green/fuzzy jade green(I call this combo "Clover Brook)& added a rose pin in Raspberry Pudding. I also worked some on blossoms & scrap granny squares.