I sold a Garland of Blossoms scarf in Black/Lipstick/Claret to Leslie in CA.
~I left the house around 8:30am so I could get a few groceries at WMS then be first in line when the pharmacy opened.The prescription Mike called in on Thursday didn't show up!I was able to give it to them there,but it took an extra 20 minutes.
~On the way into WMS,I saw the Toys for Tots box,remembering Mike saying the box at their store was empty.I got a boy & girl gift,dropping them off at Napa before going home.They were sad I didn't bring cookies!
~After putting the groceries away & getting a bite to eat,I went to JoAnns,using a 50%-off coupon on a skein of yarn to make a pair of gift Mitts.
~At the downtown Big Lots, I got granola bars & a 3-pack of gloves for the Woolly Tree.
~I stopped at a new $1 store & found a case to fit my phone(it kept falling out of my back pocket when I was gathering leaves on Thursday) & a fancy beaded hair band.
~At Savers,I found a pair of gray jeans,2 long sleeve button up shirts,1 sleevelss button up shirt & 1 plate.
~I picked up another skein of Mitt yarn,with 40% off,& a plaid take-out box at Hobby Lobby & a skein of Gift War scarf yarn,with 50% off,at Michael's.
~Back home,for good this time,I washed some baking dishes leftover from yesterday,unloaded the dishwasher,folded laundry,then finally got to work on the Gift War scarf.
~I made Mike a bacon cheeseburger sammie for supper.
~I finished the Gift War scarf!Both Mike & I like it,so it is unisex enough,I guess!