Mike rode the motorcycle to work,which he will be doing more now that it's spring. I'm looking forward to riding,too!
~I made a batch(38) of Peanut Butter cookies with mini M & M's. Instead of mixing the candy in with the dough, I just put 3 on top of the cookies before baking. They are cute & tasty!
~I went to the downtown stores today. At Big Lots, I found mini Reeses Pieces for baking. They will be yummy in chocolate or oatmeal cookies. At Savers, I got a tan blazer,one that I have been wanting to add to my wardrobe for quite a while. Now, I can wear it rather than my denim jacket as a "neutral" with skirts to work. I also got a tea-infusing spoon. At Goodwill, I got a faded Black denim prairie skirt & 2 3/4 skeins of RHS Fall. I stopped at Smith's on the way home.
~Back home, after lunch, I did a load of laundry.
~Ms. Edla called around 3:30pm,asking if I would come let her & Mr. Art into the Parish Hall to drop off food for St. Martin's. I promised to put her name on the new key list.
~I finished the Sedona Hat in I Love This Yarn Toasted Almond/RHS Dark Plum.
~I made Mike a bacon cheeseburger sammie for supper. He liked the PB/M&M cookie!
~I sewed all the parts on the Shaded Brown Square Cat & made a Sedona Hat in the same Shaded Browns yarn,adding a rose pin in Rust.
~We tried Full Sail amber beer from Hood River,Oregon. It is hoppy,but got smoother as you drank it. Not too bad.