~At work,there was a meeting to make the final changes to Ms Patti's memorial service bulletin. Ms Jeannine came in & edited it before the final printing. It turns out we both go to the Family Thrift Center,just on different days. I think Fr. Jim got a kick out of our "thrifty" discussion,LOL. I printed/folded/inserted(10:30am has 3!) bulletins & worked on the newsletter. The Brothers of the Hood came & tried to fix the office file room door,but it's still not closing right.
~After work, I dropped off Scotcheroos for the Napa Boys.
~Date Nite: We had a discussion about the shooting at Emcore, about evil in the world & what to do in such situations if you're not allowed to carry concealed at your workplace. After some warm up & drills, we were taught some close combat techniques,basically how to create enough distance to employ a weapon(gun/knife). We finished the evening by doing the APD Qualifying Drill. Passing score is 70, I got 82 & Mike got 92. I shoot better under pressure & when there's competition.
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