~I left the house when Mike did,around 8:45am.
~I went to Michael's to check on CSS Off White.The skein I have is older,from the 1980's,& I wanted to see if they were the same color.They were!So,with my 40%-off coupon,I got a skein of LionBrand Vannas Choice "Charcoal Print",since Bryan seems interested in a beanie in black/gray.I alos picked up two 2-packs of Mary Englebreit sticky notes(2 for $1 clearance).They will be good add-ins for gift baskets.
~At Albertson's,I picked up a box of AllBran crackers & a day-old loaf of raisin bread(maybe for bread pudding?).
~At Big Lots,I got a bag of York Premier Baking Pieces-mini peppermint patties.
~After lunch,I went up to the church to water the roses.I also picked up some trash & dug up weeds from the parking lot cracks.
~We handed out 17 bags at the food pantry & folded bulletins.Pat really like the Shaded Greens turtle I made for her,whom I named "Tandy".I started a special-order Modern Flapper Hat "Dorothea" in CSS Off White.I had brought the last of the Cocoa Banana Muffin Tops & everybody loved them!Anne Malstrom was also there,showing off her T-shirt quilt.It was awesome!
~I stopped by Goodwill & found a quilt rack($4.99) & 2 skirts(around $10 for both).
~Back home,I finished the Dorothea hat,adding a Button flower pin in CSS Country Blue.
~I spent the rest of the afternoon sorting yarn from the bag Pat gave me.
~I made Mike grilled smoked sausage for supper.
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